Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Next Meeting??

So Annie pushed hard for Dreams of My Father so I think she should host the next meeting. Don't plan around me though. I'm in Ghana for work Aug. 3 through the 14th.

Who wants to host?
And what dates are good?


JenM said...

annie just hosted. the one before beach book club, yes? plus she's getting ready to move to cambodia for five months. so i think someone else should host. and i also think we should meet before she leaves so she can participate in our next discussion.

sooooo, let's throw out some dates. how do people feel about aug 31, sept 14, sept 21 or sept 28?

JenM said...

i can't host again until the temperatures cool down because my little rowhouse gets hot hot hot without central AC AC AC...

: )

Jessica said...

If we are trying for sometime in August I will be coming to Baltimore Friday, August 17!

Mindy said...

I can attend the 17th but can't host -- Stefan is on call and it wouldn't be very nice of me to stick him and the dog, Mia, upstairs all night while he waits by the phone. Can anyone else host that night? Does that date work?

JenM said...

i won't be able to make aug 17.